Get AAPI data centralized

Integrate AAPI and make your life easier. Get your labour data and insights without any manual input.

How the AAPI integration works

Connect, syncronize, update

The benefits from this integration?

No more manual inputs

Imagine waking up every morning, knowing all your labour data and KPI’s are available within 2 clicks. The time of opening 10 systems and spending hours in manual work are over.

9 hours per day, that is the average time a multi-unit group (+25 locations) saves, when working with automated data collection.

Track every labour KPI

Use an automated platform to have all your labour KPIs calculated for you. No more human errors and frustration! Only facts that help you understand your business and take action.

Customers use labour KPIs to monitor their labour performances. Worked hours, Labour Cost% and productivity are calculated in the NDUX 360 platform, based on AAPI data.

Manage your biggest cost

Labour costs takes a huge chunk of your profits. In average, labour costs take 35% of your turnover. A good reason for trying to lowering labour costs with 4%-5%

Succesfull chains use data every day to to maximize profitability and customer service. They use NDUX to monitor worked hours, productivity and labour costs for each business.

Want to know more about AAPI?

Lower your labour cost impact

Request a demo and see how automated data flows thrive your business
Don't wait scheduling the demo, it will only result in extra manual work and missed opportunities.